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Sunday, February 22, 2009


Did you know that Vitamin B6, Niacin, Potassium and folate found in abundance in tomatoes are potent protectors against cancer? Niacin lowers high cholesterol levels and potassium lowers high blood pressure? Vitamin B6 and folate converts the homocysteine in our bodies into harmless substances. High levels of homocysteine are associated with increase risk of heart attack and stroke.

Did you know you can reduce the frequency of your headache? Riboflavin in tomatoes is helpful for migraine sufferers.

Did you know that everyday in UK, 85 percent men and 69 percent women eat too much salt? Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure.

Did you know that eating a lot of bananas, apples, eggs, green peppers, spinach, oysters, meat in the range of 30mcg-35mcg per day can provide you with the chromium your body need to help you reduce your blood sugar? Chromium is need for fat and sugar metabolism.

Did you know that caffeine can aggravate heart problem or nervous disorder? As much as possible stay away from it if you have nervous disorder or heart problem.

Did you know that coffee originated from Africa around 575A.A, where beans were used as money and food?

Did you know that skipping breakfast regularly may lead to over weight? Researcher at the University Of Minesota School Of Public health found that kids who ate breakfast on regular basis were less likely than their peers to be over weight.

Did you know that as a general rule, you are not required to lose below 1000-1,200 calories a day, if you’re dieting on your own?

Did you know that the body loses a proportionately high amount of muscles with a very low calories intake? This may consciously suppress metabolism by up to 45 percent.

Did you know that your body is composed of 60 percent water?

Did you know that men with the highest blood level of omega 3 fatty acids had 80 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death than men with the lowest blood levels. High omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are usually due to high consumption of fish.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Did you know that honey is the only food that does not spoil?

Did you know that French rice is the number one food that is ordered by women in the restaurant?

Did you know that apples is effective in keeping people awake than caffeine? It is 25% air, which is why it floats when placed in a bucket of water.

Did you know that apples, onions and potatoes have the same taste?

Did you know that chewing gum help you slim down? It helps by boosting metabolism rate by 20 %. It also helps memory.

Did you know that the whale shark is the largest specie? It is 60 feet in length and weighs several tons. It is a harmless creature that feeds plankton and small fish.

Did you know that 1% of adults in the world own 40% of the planet wealth? It was reported that those in the financial services and the internet sector predominate among the super rich.

Did you know that 37 percent of the richest live in the United States, 27 percent live in Japan, and 6 percent in the United Kingdom? This was revealed by a UN study.

Did you know that the body is made to heal itself? Researchers say that the human organism is able to heal 60 to 70 percent of all ailments on its own. It is believed that the body produces 30 to 40 medicines and substances to prevent and cure ailments. The processes they say is quite complicated but exist. The hormones, immune messengers and cells work this out.