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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Did you know that severe hermorrhage is defined as blood loss of more than 1.5 liters (about 3pints)?

Did you know that more than 99 per cent of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries? This report was released by UNICEF.

Did you know that a glass of red wine provides 10% of your daily requirement for iron?

Did you know that calories restriction does reduce biomarkers for aging along with lowering the risk of chronic disease like heart disease and diabetes?

Did you know that garlic has the ability to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood? This is attributed to the sulfur containing substance.

Did you know that banana is approximately 75% of water?

Did you know that publicly funded family clinic services enable U.S women to prevent 1.4 million unintended pregnancies each year? It was estimated that 600,000 of which would end in abortion.

Did you know that a soy protein can increase your stomach fat?

Did you know that menopause is diagnosed when a woman has gone without a period for 12 months consecutive months?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Did you know that children need a healthy, balanced diet, which is rich in fruit, vegetables and starch foods?

Did you know that those who consumed at least one cube of chocolate daily reported significantly greater desire and better overall sexual function than the individuals who abstained?

Did you know that eating vegetables appear s to help keep the brain young and may slow mental decline sometimes associated with growing old?

Did you know that yellow painted room makes babies cry?

Did you know that Savoy cabbage helps in disposal of a form of Oestrogen that promotes breast cancer?

Did you that the first person to sail round the world was Ferdinand Magellan?

Did you know that eating gum disease can be beatable by eating grapefruits?

Did you know that a stroke is caused when the blood suddenly stops flowing to the brain?

Friday, September 19, 2008


Did you know that pregnant women need about 60grams of protein per day ? This is about the same as two or more 2-3 oz servings of cooked lean meat, poultry without the skin or fish, or two or more 1 oz serving of cooked meat.

Did you know that most of the cosmetics do not have expiry data? However, it is recommended to change products such as mascara every 3 months to prevent increase eye risk of infection.

Did you know that rapid weight loss, particularly as seen with low calorie dieting can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance necessary for regular predictable ovulation? The condition is temporary and fertility is usually returned in a few months after weight stabilizes.

Did you know that London has become the largest and richest city in the world?

Did you know that forgiveness is a sign of positve self-esteem?

Did you knnow that some vitamin supplement could be harmful? An excess of vitamin A, for instance can cause fetal deformities to your unborn child.

Did you know that fatigue caused by hormonal imbalance or poor nutrition, especially excess caffeine, high intake of or lack of protein saps your energy and interest in sex for women?