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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Did you know that severe hermorrhage is defined as blood loss of more than 1.5 liters (about 3pints)?

Did you know that more than 99 per cent of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries? This report was released by UNICEF.

Did you know that a glass of red wine provides 10% of your daily requirement for iron?

Did you know that calories restriction does reduce biomarkers for aging along with lowering the risk of chronic disease like heart disease and diabetes?

Did you know that garlic has the ability to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood? This is attributed to the sulfur containing substance.

Did you know that banana is approximately 75% of water?

Did you know that publicly funded family clinic services enable U.S women to prevent 1.4 million unintended pregnancies each year? It was estimated that 600,000 of which would end in abortion.

Did you know that a soy protein can increase your stomach fat?

Did you know that menopause is diagnosed when a woman has gone without a period for 12 months consecutive months?

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